Monday, March 19, 2012

This Is My Phone

And I use it. ALOT. When I was a freshman my dad had me on some crazy texting plan that only allowed 5 a month, "for emergencies." :) Needless to say, I missed out on a lot of fun outings because I never got the memos! I now have unlimited, and I actually feel like my social life is more extensive as a result. You don't HAVE to have texting to have a good social life, but it definitely helps me keep involved in the goings on at BYU. Do you agree? Or does it just annoy you?


  1. I think it definitely helps. The nice thing about texting is that you can send the same thing to a ton of different people all at once. I wonder what I did without it! :)

  2. i agree texting really puts us into the social world. its funny how that now kind of can change your friendships and relationships, it is SO much a part of or interacting world. but as the same time its also sometimes more of a hassle than a help :) haha
