I'm going to be honest - I don't do this very often.
Never, in fact. A) It's expensive. B) It's time-consuming. C) I'm impatient and not hugely crafty? While I love scrapbooking stuff, it's not a hugely practical pastime for me (personally! Though I wish it were).
I do, however, have a personal blog in addition to this one that I've been semi-keeping up for 3 years. It's fun to look back over old posts and remember what was going on in my life at that time. I view blogs as virtual scrapbooks - much less expensive and time-consuming ones at that. Think about it, so many memories and so much history is recorded on the internet. If it ever crashes (Y2K) we'll be in trouble for a million reasons, but for now it's a great way to reminisce.
I've never scrapbooked. Always wanted to, but never knew where to start. Last summer I was introduced to digital scrapbooking, which is very easy and a LOT cheaper! :)